Management accounting presented inunderstandablehumanaccessiblelanguage.

Management accounting presented inhumanaccessiblelanguage.

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Financial and other indicators

Information section

Receivables turnover ratio (RTR)

Receivables turnover ratio (RTR)

Defines how many times during the reporting period the receivables turned into the revenue in the current account. The higher the figure, the faster the receivables are turning into cash. The decline shows that the debtors began to pay worse.

Return on equity (ROE)

Return on equity (ROE)

Shows the profit of the enterprise (in percentage from owner’s equity, %) for the reporting period.

Gross profit rate in sales volume

Gross profit rate in sales volume

Shows profit margin (in percentage, %) in the sales volume of the enterprise.

Net profit margin in sales volume

Net profit margin in sales volume

Shows the net profit margin (in percentage, %) in the sales volume of the enterprise.

Balanced scorecard

Balanced scorecard

Вы приняли решение об использовании финансовых показателей для оценки деятельности своей компании. Вы анализируете долю чистой прибыли в объеме продаж, оцениваете отдачу на собственный капитал или радуетесь положительной динамике чистой прибыли в течении года. Все это замечательно.

Financial performance

Financial performance

First of all you need to consider whether you need them or not. To make it cleat financial performance is a ratio of one line from Balance sheet to another one or to the line from Profit and loss account.

Inventory turnover (IT)

Inventory turnover (IT)

Defines how many times during the reporting period the inventory goods are transformed into the goods sold.

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